Endangered Species Color Palettes- Juliet Whitsett

Loss of our world's biodiversity is happening at a startlingly fast rate. For most of us, it's hard to understand what we have to lose when some of our most threatened species are also our rarest-which in turn means it's unlikely we've ever had a meaningful first-hand interaction with our world's listed species.

With roughly ~150 threatened  and ~75 endangered species in Texas alone, artist Juliet Whitsett has been learning, creating art about and sharing the importance of our world’s biodiversity. Her digitalacrylic, and experiential audio art pieces aim to simulate virtual encounters with our rarest and most at risk species. 

Most recently, she has crafted an event centered on the experience of empathy while deep diving into the world of  at-risk color.  


On June 18th, 2022 artist Juliet Whitsett invited attendees to an engaging art event at Wild Basin Creative Research Center designed to provoke exploration around Texas' rarest species... 

For one night, participants became a part of Whitsett's newest body of work, "Encounters wIth Biodiversity," as she invited the public into the Wild Basin exhibition space as collaborators through a series of activations, and immersive participatory experiences. 

Participants experienced the colors & palettes of all 73 endangered Texas species, hiked Whitsett's Golden-cheeked Warbler AUDIO WILD*, created wearable art, participated in an AMBASSADOR PARTY and left knowing more about Texas' most at risk. 

*This audio piece remains as a permanent work at the Wild Basin trailhead and can be accessed anytime. Smart phones are required to activate. 

30% of all proceeds from art created during the Wild Basin AIR residency benefited Wild Basin Creative Research Center.

Juliet's work was on display June 18 - August 20th 2022 

WHAT: "Encounters with Biodiversity" with Artist Juliet Whitsett 
WHEN: Saturday, June 18 
TIME: 5:30 - 8:30 pm 
LOCATION: Wild Basin Creative Research Center 
ADDRESS: 805 N Capital of Texas Hwy, Austin, TX 78746 
RESERVATIONS: None required (but parking is limited). 
SHOW DATES: June 18 - August 20th

Artist Juliet Whitsett with a portion of the 73 Color Palettes sampled from Texas' Endangered Species.  Photo Credit: Charles Heppner

Each palette & species is unique. Whitsett samples colors from crowd-sourced images of Texas listed species in order to create original art inspired by their lives and forms.

PURCHASE PRINTS: “Golden-cheeked Warbler (Dendroica chrysoparia)- Endangered”
