How to make a Transforming Origami Star & Origami Wreath - (Our Holiday Tradition)

Today I'm sharing a gift with you- a personal art project... one of our holiday traditions...

In 2010 I enjoyed my very first holiday with my eventual stepson. As an 8 year old, he led us in creating a collaborative transforming origami star/ wreath.

The best part was that this art project came from a brave, young Kai. He took a chance with me and we all worked together... The next year I was his stepmom- we made the star again, and then the next year, and the next.... he is now an 18 year old- and he's beautiful. He is truly a star.

This year we will be celebrating from a distance, but we're keeping the tradition alive- We will be making our own individual pieces and bringing them together for the final piece, and a part of our collection.

I love how this work transforms- an individual star... just like individual us... but when we open, we can see it is actually part of something bigger- a perfect, beautiful circle.