As anticipation builds for the upcoming total eclipse in Texas on April 8, it becomes evident that humans won't be the sole witnesses of this celestial spectacle. Even NASA is taking note (contribute to the Eclipse Soundscape Project.)
Color Palette of the Texas state threatened White-faced Ibis, eclipsed.
In collaboration with Siglo Group, Artist Juliet Whitsett has delved into a unique exploration, utilizing diverse sources such as eclipse maps, iNaturalist observations, and Texas' Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species data.
With a keen focus on the natural world, Whitsett has identified and documented the rare species in Texas that may also experience this extraordinary natural phenomenon. By merging art and science, her project sheds light on the interconnectedness of natural events and the diverse ecosystems that coexist beneath the shadow of the impending eclipse.
A total of 102 of Texas' Endangered and Threatened species were calculated within the path of totality range for the upcoming eclipse. Out of these, 62 species were specifically identified on iNaturalist as having been sighted within the path of totality during the exact time frame in past years.
The complete list of Texas' Endangered and Threatened species documented on iNaturalist in the path of totality can be found below and HERE
Reptiles | 1 | alligator snapping turtle | Macrochelys temminckii |
Amphibians | 2 | Austin blind salamander | Eurycea waterlooensis |
Amphibians | 3 | Barton Springs salamander | Eurycea sosorum |
Plants | 4 | bracted twistflower | Streptanthus bracteatus |
Mollusks | 5 | Brazos heelsplitter | Potamilus streckersoni |
Reptiles | 6 | Brazos water snake | Nerodia harteri |
Reptiles | 7 | Cagle's map turtle | Graptemys caglei |
Amphibians | 8 | Cascade Caverns salamander | Eurycea latitans |
Fish | 9 | chub shiner | Notropis potteri |
Insects | 10 | Comal Springs dryopid beetle | Stygoparnus comalensis |
Insects | 11 | Comal Springs riffle beetle | Heterelmis comalensis |
Fish | 12 | Devils River minnow | Dionda diaboli |
Plants | 13 | Don Richards' spring moss | Donrichardsia macroneuron |
Plants | 14 | earth fruit | Geocarpon minimum |
Mollusks | 15 | false spike | Fusconaia mitchelli |
Fish | 16 | fountain darter | Etheostoma fonticola |
Fish | 17 | Frio roundnose minnow | Dionda serena |
Amphibians | 18 | Georgetown salamander | Eurycea naufragia |
Birds | 19 | golden-cheeked warbler | Setophaga chrysoparia |
Fish | 20 | Guadalupe darter | Percina apristis |
Mollusks | 21 | Guadalupe fatmucket | Lampsilis bergmanni |
Mollusks | 22 | Guadalupe orb | Cyclonaias necki |
Fish | 23 | headwater catfish | Ictalurus lupus |
Amphibians | 24 | Jollyville Plateau salamander | Eurycea tonkawae |
Plants | 25 | large-fruited sand-verbena | Abronia macrocarpa |
Mollusks | 26 | Louisiana pigtoe | Pleurobema riddellii |
Fish | 27 | Medina roundnose minnow | Dionda nigrotaeniata |
Fish | 28 | Mexican blindcat | Prietella phreatophila |
Plants | 29 | Navasota ladies'-tresses | Spiranthes parksii |
Plants | 30 | Neches River rose-mallow | Hibiscus dasycalyx |
Reptiles | 31 | northern scarlet snake | Cemophora coccinea |
Fish | 32 | paddlefish | Polyodon spathula |
Birds | 33 | piping plover | Charadrius melodus |
Fish | 34 | plateau shiner | Cyprinella lepida |
Fish | 35 | proserpine shiner | Cyprinella proserpina |
Fish | 36 | Red River pupfish | Cyprinodon rubrofluviatilis |
Fish | 37 | Rio Grande darter | Etheostoma grahami |
Plants | 38 | rock quillwort | Isoetes lithophila |
Amphibians | 39 | Salado Springs salamander | Eurycea chisholmensis |
Amphibians | 40 | San Marcos salamander | Eurycea nana |
Mollusks | 41 | sandbank pocketbook | Lampsilis satura |
Fish | 42 | shovelnose sturgeon | Scaphirhynchus platorynchus |
Plants | 43 | small-headed pipewort | Eriocaulon koernickianum |
Mollusks | 44 | southern hickorynut | Obovaria arkansasensis |
Amphibians | 45 | Texas blind salamander | Eurycea rathbuni |
Mollusks | 46 | Texas fatmucket | Lampsilis bracteata |
Mollusks | 47 | Texas fawnsfoot | Truncilla macrodon |
Mollusks | 48 | Texas heelsplitter | Potamilus amphichaenus |
Reptiles | 49 | Texas horned lizard | Phrynosoma cornutum |
Mollusks | 50 | Texas hornshell | Popenaias popeii |
Mollusks | 51 | Texas pigtoe | Fusconaia askewi |
Mollusks | 52 | Texas pimpleback | Cyclonaias petrina |
Amphibians | 53 | Texas salamander | Eurycea neotenes |
Plants | 54 | Texas snowbells | Styrax platanifolius ssp. texanus |
Reptiles | 55 | Texas tortoise | Gopherus berlandieri |
Plants | 56 | Texas wild-rice | Zizania texana |
Plants | 57 | Tobusch fishhook cactus | Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii |
Reptiles | 58 | Trans-Pecos black-headed snake | Tantilla cucullata |
Mollusks | 59 | Trinity pigtoe | Fusconaia chunii |
Birds | 60 | tropical parula | Setophaga pitiayumi |
Birds | 61 | white-faced ibis | Plegadis chihi |
Birds | 62 | whooping crane | Grus americana |
Birds | 63 | zone-tailed hawk | Buteo albonotatus |
View Whitsett's performance work "ESPILCE | ECLIPSE" sharing the iNaturalist documented rare species in line to experience the eclipse.
Map source: