My Golden-cheeked Warbler image was chosen to promote the Travis Audubon Society Birdathon this year!
I love the Rachel Carson quote from her essay "Help Your Child to Wonder" that they included. ☀️
"No child should grow up unaware of the dawn chorus of the birds in the spring. He will never forget the experience of a specially planned early rising in the predawn darkness when the first voices are heard. Perhaps a few cardinals are uttering their clear, rising whistles, then comes the song of a white throat, pure and ethereal, with the dreamy quality of remembered joy. Off in some distant patch of woods a whippoorwill continues his monotonous night chant, rhythmic and insistent. Robins, thrushes, song sparrows, add their voices. In that dawn chorus one hears the throb of life itself."
-Rachael Carson
Registration for Birdathon is open and you can purchase a shirt from @travisaudubonsociety until March 31st if you participate or not- Your purchase will support their mission to protect native birds!
"If you saw the gorgeous green shirts we had for preorder in March, you saw the bright and cheerful Golden-cheeked Warbler design that won our 2021 shirt design contest. For the artist behind the design, Juliet Whitsett, this was not not the first time working with an endangered species as the focal point of a piece."
See the full write up here...